All Truth About Ozone Generators (and How They Eliminate Bad Odors)

All Truth About Ozone Generators (and How They Eliminate Bad Odors)

What is Ozone?

Do you know that fresh, thick and relaxing scent that comes immediately after a thunderstorm? That's what the ozone smells like. Unlikely to the O2 molecules, vital for humans, ozone consists of 3 atoms of oxygen. Though the difference is tiny, it turns usual air into a chemical substance, able to eliminate bacteria, viruses, germs, mold and much more.

Naturally ozone is found in the stratosphere. It protects the surface of the planet from UV light and avoids abrupt climate changes. On the other hand, there is also tropospheric ozone, released while the sunlight interacts with certain chemicals, such as automobile exhaust and industrial emissions or when lightning strikes.

This type of ozone is also called “bad”, as far as sometimes it can be harmful for health. It mainly affects people with health problems, such as asthma and similar. 

Sensitivity to ozone depends on many different factors:

- diseases

- lifestyle

- the intensity of physical activity in an environment containing any amount of ozone

- finally, the most important one, on ozone concentration within the environment 


What is the Safe Ozone Level?

For the last 10 years EPA held various researches to define what ozone concentration is acceptable. The quantity of the gas is originally measured in ppm - parts per million. It is a scientifically validated fact that ozone becomes toxic when its concentration in the air comes to the point of 0.07 ppm or more. However, in the urban area its concentration can easily reach up to 0.05-0.06 ppm, or higher, especially in summer.

EPA found out that an ozone concentration that is higher than 0.05 ppm can cause some health problems, especially for people that are sensitive to ozone. Thus, when ozone level is high it’s better to avoid any outdoor activity. The chance to be affected depends mostly on the time of the contact. The longer one inhales ozone, the more dangerous for health it becomes.

There are special ozone forecasts that help to find out  the concentration of the ground ozone. There 5 main levels of ozone saturation:

1. 0-0.05 ppm (green level)

It is normal concentration, unable to affect health, even for sensitive groups of people.

2. 0.051-0.1 ppm (yellow level)

Moderate level, that is relatively safe. Such an ozone saturation is common for cities. However, it is still able to affect the most sensitive people. Though the toxic concentration of ozone is 0.07 ppm or higher, usually it causes actual damage after about 8 hours of contact. On the other hand, any physical exercise can seriously reduce this time, because while active, one inhales much more air - and ozone, too.


3. 0.011-0.15 ppm (orange level) 

This ozone level is described as unhealthy for sensitive groups.


4. 0.151-0.2 ppm (red level)

Hot, sunny weather can cause such an ozone level, mostly in big cities. In such circumstances experts advise to avoid prolonged walks. People with lung diseases, children and older adults should be especially careful.


5. 0.21-0.3 ppm (purple level)

Inhaling such amounts of ozone for prolonged time may lead to harmful health consequences. It can affect the breathing system, causing chest pain, cough, and various respiratory diseases.

The first signs of ozone poisoning occur immediately after inhalation of ozone at concentrations above the limit values.  Here are the symptoms:

- a scratchy throat;
- coughing;
- headache;
- burning pain behind the chest;
- difficulty while breathing.

Can Ozone be Useful?

Talking about the effect of ozone we should also take into account that the most things we use every day can be hazardous, too. For example, fire, electricity, even the water can be extremely dangerous unless one uses it correspondingly.

Ozone is not an exception: the very first attempts to tame this gas started as early as the mid-20th century by none other than Nicola Tesla himself. Having discovered the bactericidal effect of ozone he was the first to create an ozone generator. To date ozone is widely used for a great variety of purposes, for example:

  • decontamination of refrigerators and storage rooms
  • neutralization of harmful substances in drinking water and swimming pools
  • medical instruments and hospital wards sterilization
  • removing odours, e.g. cigarettes, pet waste, etc.
  • mold removal

    How does an Ozone Generator Work?

    Generally, there are plenty of ways to produce ozone artificially. The operating principles of the certain ozonator depend on the method used by it to produce O3.

    Here are the most common ways:

    - producing ozone using electrical discharges
    - exposure of the ultraviolet radiation
    - electrolysis or oxidation reactions of certain substances
    - irradiation with energy beams


    Producing ozone via electrical discharges

    This method has several varieties, depending on the type of the discharge used: quiet, barrier, arc, corona, etc.

    Though there are still some doubts, claiming this way of ozone production to be less efficient, too complicated as well as highly expensive while the installation, it is the method that has found the most wide application in the majority of industrial and manufacturing ozone generators. Being widely spread its technology is constantly improved by the manufacturers, so with each series these devices get better from time to time.


    Producing ozone via exposure of the ultraviolet radiation

    Though being much easier in performance (as well as cheaper), this method has an extremely poor application, nevertheless. Due to its simplicity and availability it is most often to be used in self-made devices (for example, homemade car ozonators), but usually is not used for any industrial or manufacturing ozone generators.

    While producing ozone via this method, the air containing oxygen is passed through a chamber with a short wave UV lamp. When exposed to the radiation, the oxygen is converted into ozone molecules (O3).

    Also, this way of oxygen production is said to be extremely inefficient because of the low concentration of ozone (usually it does not exceed 0.1%).


    Producing ozone via electrolysis or oxidation reactions

    Being compared to the previous methods of ozone production, this one seems to be the most expensive (and, as a result, the most impractical one). For this reason it is not popular and is rarely used.


    Ozone production via radiating the oxygen molecules with energy beams

    This method is too complicated and has much more application in the scientific sphere.

    To simplify it all, to date a typical ozonator consists of the housing with the fan to create a constant air flow through the device, a power supply (usually with the voltage converter), and the discharge emitter. Optionally a humidifier module can be added.


    Basic types of the Ozonators

    A Domestic Ozonator

    Domestic ozone generators are often combined with a humidifier or ionizer. These devices are a perfect choice for home in order to improve the room air quality, for the drinking water purification, food disinfection as well as for sanitizing shoes, furniture, etc.


    A Vehicle Ozonator

    The main distinctive  feature of these ozone purifiers is that they are designed to be powered by the on-board network. Their aim is to purify the air in the passenger compartment as well as removing a wide variety of the pollutants produced by the engine exhaust system. 


    A Medical Ozonator

    The most controversial of all, the medical ozone generator is used in various ozone therapy procedures. Though its efficiency is not scientifically proven, to date medical ozone purifiers are used in most areas, from cosmetology to surgery.

    Also there are separate device types used to treat wards and medical instruments.


    An Industrial Ozonator

    This type of ozone machine is applied in a wide variety of different spheres. It can be purifying the water for the water plants or fish farms, for the disinfection of the swimming pools and hydrariums, for prolonging the shelf life of various food, by wastewater treatment plants, etc.

    It is obvious that this kind of ozone generator is much more efficient and powerful than any of the basic household ozonator.


    How to Choose the Right Ozone Purifier?

    Choosing the right ozonator is not a difficult process. It mostly depends on the following points:

    • the ozone output must be appropriate to the space; otherwise it either can be harmful or not effective;
    • the working time of the device should be chosen carefully and according to the amount and the type of the pollutants (home decorating materials, volatile chemical compounds, household cleaners, pet waste, mould, tobacco smoke, etc.);
    • the extended functionality (if any) should be also taken into the account, whether it is an anionic ozonator or a device with the built-in humidifier.


    How can ozonator improve your life?


    1. Ozone destroys harmful germs.

    There is no cleaning that is more effective in neutralization of the dangerous microorganismes than an ozonator. Being much more efficient than chlorine (even in lower concentrations), ozone is able to eliminate most pathogens, including viruses and bacteria. Thus, ozonator prevents various diseases and makes the space safe even in times of pandemic.

    Though remaining mostly invisible, bacteria, mold, dust, saliva and skin particles are everywhere. Sometimes their percentage in the air can reach up to the 25%, which is extremely unhealthy and dangerous. While the usual cleaning just “replaces” or even spreads them all over the room, active oxygen interacts with this debris and eliminates it effectively.


    2. Ozone purifiers are perfect assistants for removing stale odors.

    Annoying smells, such as cigarette smoke, mold or pet waste odor can bring much inconvenience to your life. Ozon generator is the perfect way to get rid of them. Since most of the substances that release odors are of organic origin, ozonizer easily breaks them down into water and carbon dioxide, making air clean and fresh. This feature is often used by the hotel industry, car washes and various cleaning services.

    The effectiveness of the ozonator in odor removing can be explained by the fact that ozone has a high oxidising power. It reacts directly with the odor source and destroys it. The full concentration of oxygen in the air is restored in about 15-20 minutes.

    Ozone eliminates all odors, regardless of their intensity, without any trace. The list of odors that can be eliminated effectively include the following:

    • The smell of burnt food or burning.
    • Smoke from cigarettes.
    • Dampness.
    • Smell from other owners.
    • The smell of pets.
    • Household chemicals.
    • The after-effects of renovation processes.
    • The smell of medicines.
    • Any allergens.

    If you have a pet in the house, ozonator is a great option for removing odors. Active oxygen not only eliminates all odors caused by pets, but also cleanses the flat of the germs and bacteria. In addition, the ozonator is great for people who are in for sports. Often they have an odor in their home that can not be removed from their shoes and even clothes. However, an ozonator will help to remove the smell of sweat easily.

    Also, it shouldn't be omitted that using an ozonator, you are preventing the possibility of any infections. This is only due to the fact that the ozonator eliminates other germs that are in your home. This is relevant for those people who are constantly sick. To do this, simply purchase an ozonator and use them for a while. You will certainly feel the difference.


    3. Ozonating the air in food warehouses

    Ozonating the air in food warehouses increases the safety of foodstuffs. Ozonators for water oxygenate it, eliminating excess iron. The appliances built into refrigerators kill bacteria and can prolong the shelf life of food.

    Precautions when Using the Ozonator

    • When selecting an ozonizer, take into account the area of the room. Small ozone generators may not be able to function effectively within large areas, and large ozone generators may create too high concentration of ozone inside the room. 
    • Keep the area clear of the people and animals before the ozonation
    • It is highly not recommended to enter the room while the ozonation is in progress
    • After completing the ozonation process, ventilate the room
    • Do not use device if the humidity in the room is 95% or above
    • Do not use the ozon generator near flammable objects
    • The most important rule is to use certified ozone generators only. Such devices have an exact quantity of ozone allowed. An ozonator without a quality certificate may cause damage to your health. If the device you are about to purchase has no certificates, you should rather look for an alternative option.

    Follow these simple pieces of advice and enjoy fresh and clean air without any negative consequences.



    Ozone can be extremely useful in various cases of everyday life. Its domestic applications vary from simple smell elimination to a full-scale disinfection of the surfaces.

    With its help people are able to extend the shelf life of products, avoiding use of pesticides, easily eliminate unpleasant odors, and destroy harmful microorganisms. Ozone water treatment is much more natural than the methods using chlorine. It is a scientific fact that in its natural environment, ozone is very unstable and decays within 15 to 20 minutes, which makes it much safer than most other chemicals.

    When used correctly and carefully, ozone can make life easier, healthier and better. 

    However, it is important to check the reliability of the manufacturer prior to purchasing an ozone generator. You must make sure the device is certified, ideally by some well-known testing agency, as otherwise there is no guarantee it will be safe to use. 

    Additionally, the ideal level of ozone concentration should not exceed 0.05 ppm. In some cases, especially with large rooms, you may be looking for higher concentrations, but it might be dangerous and such devices should be used carefully.

    Here you can check out the mfa Air Purifier, which produces 0.05 ppm of ozone, compliant with all the directives from EU and USA, and is certified by SGS, worlds leading testing and inspection agency from Switzerland.

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